20181022; Please, please, believe me. It’s not your fault.

I see you in pain
And I wonder
What is hurting that beautiful heart?
What is it that had the audacity to cause pain to such a beautiful heart?
I want to reach out and hold you
Wipe those tears off your face
But for now, my courage only allows my tongue to utter the words “you’ll be fine”

I see you again,
Hurting like every inch of your soul is on fire
Like you are lost and broken
Like your thoughts are suffocating you and you can’t breathe anymore
I again want to hug you
And tell you it’s going to be okay
But my courage only allowed me to tell you to calm down
And drink some water
It sounds so stupid now that I think about it.

But see the thing is
I know how it feels to
Keep blaming yourself for things that weren’t your fault
I know how it feels to be left wondering
If you could’ve done better
If you could’ve done more
I know how much it makes you want to tear at your soul
I know how it makes you want to destroy yourself for not doing better
I know you keep thinking how you don’t deserve to be happy
Because the person you love is suffering
But please try to understand
Your mind is playing tricks on you
I know how it feels to hear those voices in your head telling you how much you dont deserve to be happy
But please try to believe me
You deserve happiness
Please try to believe that
You did your best
You did good
It wasn’t your fault
And all those times you keep feeling like things will go wrong
Like the world is about to fall apart
Like the world is falling apart
It is just your brain trying to protect you
Because there’s a part of you that just wants to be safe
There’s a part of you that just wants to be protected
There’s a part of you that just wants to be loved
There’s a part of you that loves who you are.
And between all of this, there’s a part of me that just wants you to be safe
There’s a part of me that wants you to love yourself
There’s a part of me that loves you
And there are countless others who love you
Countless others who see your light
Countless others who can see that you do your best every time
So if they can see it, why can’t you see
That you did your best.
That you do your best.

Things will sometimes be out of your control
And sometimes you won’t be able to make people happy
You won’t be able to give other people happiness
But that’s not your fault
It’s not your fault
It’s not your fault
Remember what i said,
Your mind is playing tricks on you
At the end of the day, it wants to protect you from guilt in the future
So it has exaggerated guilt in the present
It’s not your fault
It’s not your fault
It’s not your fault
You did your best.
You deserve happiness just as they do.

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